Our Why: Empowering Women to Reclaim Their Lives After Separation

I’m Michelle, the founder of Boodle, and I know all too well how overwhelming it can be to face the end of a long-term marriage.

After over 20 years of marriage, I found myself in a new country, and at age 52, coming to terms finally, that I wasn’t happy. My marriage wasn’t fulfilling, I was depressed and life felt too short to stay with someone where I wasn’t thriving.

Leaving a marriage after decades together is never easy, and even after a year of planning my exit, I was unprepared for the emotional and practical challenges that followed.

From navigating finances to managing relationships with my children and ex-partner, it felt like I was juggling too many heavy balls.

Then came the complexities of dating again (eeek!!!), reigniting my career, and, perhaps most importantly, finding time to heal and rediscover myself.

It was during this journey that I realized how desperately I wished for resources and guidance—something to help me through the overwhelming emotions, the financial uncertainties, and the daily realities of starting over at a later stage in life. But no one tells you how to navigate this space. No one hands you a guide on how to rebuild after separation or divorce, especially when you're older, established, and seemingly “should know” how to manage it all.

That’s why I created Boodle.

Boodle was born out of my own experiences, built to provide women going through separation and divorce the tools and information I wish I had back in 2020. It’s for women like me, who know what it’s like to question everything after spending years—if not decades—building a life you thought would last. It’s for those who have found themselves facing the daunting process of starting over, who feel the weight of financial worries, broken relationships, and uncertainty about the future.

I created Boodle because I believe no woman should have to feel like they’re walking this path alone.

Through our courses, tools, and resources, my goal is to empower you with the practical knowledge to navigate the financial, emotional, and relational complexities of life after separation. But it’s more than just practical tools—Boodle also helps you carve out space for healing, reflection, and self-discovery, which is so often overlooked in the rush to rebuild.

We provide clear, actionable strategies to help you regain control of your life, empowering you to tackle the financial, emotional, and relational challenges that come with separation and divorce. While our full community experience—a sisterhood of women who truly understand what you're going through—is coming soon, the tools and resources available today will still guide you on your path to healing and self-discovery.

The truth is, separation and divorce are messy. They’re filled with uncertainty, fear, and moments of deep vulnerability. But they can also be a catalyst for growth, transformation, and rediscovery. Boodle exists to help you turn these challenges into opportunities—opportunities to reclaim your life, rebuild your confidence, and create a future that excites you.

At Boodle, we believe that healing isn’t just about survival—it’s about thriving. It’s about helping you realize that this next chapter of your life can be even better than you imagined. I created Boodle to be the resource I wish I had when I was navigating this difficult journey, and now, I’m proud to share it with women all over the world who are walking a similar path.

You deserve the chance to not just rebuild but to create a life filled with happiness, strength, and purpose. Let me and Boodle be your guide on that journey.

Michelle xx

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Discover practical tools and empowering strategies tailored for women navigating separation or divorce. Visit our courses page now and take the first step toward healing and a brighter future.

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